Since 1977

American Made Sheepskin and Leather Boots and Slippers

Handcrafted in the USA from American Materials

Custom Fit Moccasins


- Custom Soft Soled Shoes -
Custom fitted, orthopedic shoes and other leather projects are available. Please contact us for individual design and pricing information for these types of special orders. WindWalkers products are designed to be the ultimate in COMFORT and DURABILITY. Enjoy browsing our site for more information and for secure ordering. If you have questions, please contact us and we'll get back to you soon.

For more information about one on one custom designs.


This type of work is not available on our shopping cart.

These are a few examples of the Custom Designs we offer. 

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By Appointment ONLY

WindWalkers - Attn: Sara LaCount

CALL - 707-875-8933